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Collaborative School Committee

What is the Collaborative School Committee (CSC)?

The Collaborative School Committee (CSC) brings together families, staff and community members to create and implement a plan to promote high achievement within a school. This committee meets on a regular basis throughout the school year and is an opportunity for key stakeholders to have a voice in their school. Colorado law requires all schools to have a CSC to increase the amount of accountability and family involvement in our schools.





El Comité Escolar Colaborativo (CSC) reúne a familias, personal y miembros de la comunidad para crear e implementar un plan para promover altos logros dentro de una escuela. Este comité se reúne periódicamente durante el año escolar y es una oportunidad para que las partes interesadas clave tengan voz en su escuela. La ley de Colorado requiere que todas las escuelas tengan un CSC para aumentar la responsabilidad y la participación familiar en nuestras escuelas.




Que es El Comité Escolar Colaborativo (CSC)?

Class Size

  • ECE ELA/S: 19

  •  ECE ELA/E: 14

  • Kg ELA/S: 10

  • Kg ELA/E: 8

  • 1st Grade ELA/S: 9

  • 1st Grade ELA/E: 11

  • 2nd Grade ELA/S: 11

  • 2nd Grade ELA/E: 6

  • 3rd Grade ELA/S: 9

  • 3rd Grade ELA/E: 11

  • 4th Grade ELA/S-E: 22

  • 5th Grade ELA/S-E: 24

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CSC Members

  • Principal : Ms. Karin Johnson

  • Parent : Francisca Vasquez

  • Parent: Brandon Rayburn

  • Parent: Rosalba Esparza

  • School Member: Ardeth Stitt

  • School Member: Zachary Bath

  • Teacher: Rosa Rocha

  • Community Member: Josh Ehrlich

CSC Meeting Resources

CSC  Agenda & Minutes  08_31_23​

CSC  Agenda &  Minutes  01_12_24

CSC Handbook

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